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Let's start with a first degree polynomial equation:

This is a line with slope a. We know that a line will connect any two points. So, a first degree polynomial equation is an exact fit through any two points with distinct x coordinates.

If we increase the order of the equation to a second degree polynomial, we get:

This will exactly fit a simple curve to three points.

If we increase the order of the equation to a third degree polynomial, we get:

This will exactly fit four points.

if we have more than n + 1 constraints (n being the degree of the polynomial), we can still run the polynomial curve through those constraints. An exact fit to all constraints is not certain (but might happen, for example, in the case of a first degree polynomial exactly fitting three collinear points). In general, however, some method is then needed to evaluate each approximation. The least squares method is one way to compare the deviations.

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Q: What are the conditions for error to be minimum in least squares approximation?
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What is the error propagation in numerical methods?

Error propagation in numerical analysis is just calculating the uncertainty or error of an approximation against the actual value it is trying to approximate. This error is usually shown as either an absolute error, which shows how far away the approximation is as a number value, or as a relative error, which shows how far away the approximation is as a percentage value.

Why is lower percentage error better?

I would have thought this blindingly obvious but no matter, a lower percentage error is better because it means your approximation to a solution is closer to the real answer than an approximation with a higher error.

Why is the residual sum of squares bigger then total sum of squares when there isn't a constant?

There is a calculation error.

Which statistic estimates the error in a regression solution?

The mean sum of squares due to error: this is the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed values and the predicted values divided by the number of observations.

Define error relative error and absolute error give examples of each?

Error is the term for the amount of difference between a value and it's approximation, and is represented by either an upper or lower case epsilon (E or ε)Eabs, absolute error, is |x-x*| where x* is the approximate of x, and gives a value that shows how far away the approximate is as a numerical valueErel, relative error, is |x-x*| / |x| and gives a value that shows how far away the approximate is as a decimal percentage i.e. if you times the relative error by 100 you get the percentage error of the approximation.

Related questions

What is approximation error?

An approximation error is the discrepancy between an exact value and the approximation to it. This occurs when the measurement of something is not precise.

What is the error propagation in numerical methods?

Error propagation in numerical analysis is just calculating the uncertainty or error of an approximation against the actual value it is trying to approximate. This error is usually shown as either an absolute error, which shows how far away the approximation is as a number value, or as a relative error, which shows how far away the approximation is as a percentage value.

Why is lower percentage error better?

I would have thought this blindingly obvious but no matter, a lower percentage error is better because it means your approximation to a solution is closer to the real answer than an approximation with a higher error.

Why is the residual sum of squares bigger then total sum of squares when there isn't a constant?

There is a calculation error.

Which statistic estimates the error in a regression solution?

The mean sum of squares due to error: this is the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed values and the predicted values divided by the number of observations.

Define error relative error and absolute error give examples of each?

Error is the term for the amount of difference between a value and it's approximation, and is represented by either an upper or lower case epsilon (E or ε)Eabs, absolute error, is |x-x*| where x* is the approximate of x, and gives a value that shows how far away the approximate is as a numerical valueErel, relative error, is |x-x*| / |x| and gives a value that shows how far away the approximate is as a decimal percentage i.e. if you times the relative error by 100 you get the percentage error of the approximation.

What is compound error and what are sources of it?

Compound error refers to the accumulation of errors in a system or process over time. It occurs when small errors in individual components or stages of a process combine to produce a larger overall error. Sources of compound error can include inaccuracies in measurements, rounding errors, human error, and limitations in equipment or technology.

Calculate pi using two whole numbers?

333/106 is a good approximation. The error is less than 0.003%

When will the unexplained variation or error sum of squares be equal to 0?

When all the data points are the same.

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2T + 1

What is the minimum Hamming distance if a code t error corrrecting?

2T + 1

What is the minimum hamming distance if t-error correcting code?
