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We have 2 vectors: AC, BD. Then |AC| = a and |BD|=b (i want to make it easier)

and sum i'll call s , where s = AC + BD (we're adding vectors)

there is an equation:

s2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab cos x , where x is an angle between vectors a and b.

The sum has a maximum value when x = 0

and the minimum value when x=180*=pi (rad)

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Q: What are the conditions for maximum and minimum sum or resultant of two vectors?
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It is not possible. The maximum magnitude is obtained when the vectors are aligned and in this case the resultant has a magnitude which is the sum of the individual vectors. In the given example, the maximum possible magnitude for the resultant is 16 units. In general |a+b| <= |a| + |b| where a, b are vectors and |a| is the magnitude of a

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-- The maximum possible is 11 units. That's when the two originals point in exactly the same direction. -- The minimum possible is 5 units. That's when the two originals point in exactly opposite directions.

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