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Q: What are the contents of communication of Berlo and Aristotle?
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What are the advantages of berlo's model of communication?


What are the weakness of berlo's communication model?

The weaknesses of Berlo's communication model can only be judged in the context of what the user intends to use it for. Clearly by its language, Berlo's communication model concerns sending a message from one person to another and is not concerned with the hardware. Since Berlo's model concerns people a major weakness is that it is unidirectional and lacks a "feedback" loop. Communication without feedback is like the sound of one hand clapping. If we believe, as constructivist thinking teaches, that meaning is a personal construct then during communication we try to establish meaning for ouselves which does not preclude the eventuality that it may differ from that held by the person transmitting the message. It also means that communication must be a two-way affair. Androcles

What are the weaknesses of berlo's model of communication?

The weaknesses of Berlo's communication model can only be judged in the context of what the user intends to use it for. Clearly by its language, Berlo's communication model concerns sending a message from one person to another and is not concerned with the hardware. Since Berlo's model concerns people a major weakness is that it is unidirectional and lacks a "feedback" loop. Communication without feedback is like the sound of one hand clapping. If we believe, as constructivist thinking teaches, that meaning is a personal construct then during communication we try to establish meaning for ouselves which does not preclude the eventuality that it may differ from that held by the person transmitting the message. It also means that communication must be a two-way affair. Androcles

Who is David berlo?

David Berlo was a communication theorist known for his work on the SMCR model of communication, emphasizing Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver. He also contributed to understanding the importance of communication in organizations and how it affects learning and behavior. Berlo's work has had a significant impact on the field of communication studies.

Diagram of Aristotle's model of communication?

love Aristotle

When was Diana van Berlo born?

Diana van Berlo was born in 1966.

Aristotle model of communication?


What are the communications model?

Shannon and Weaver Jakobson's model Nick Boer's model Lasswell-control analysis Schramm Berlo's model Aristotle Barnlund PMI basic communication model Transmission model Constructionist model Interactive model Transactional model Constitutive Metamodel Intermediary model Riley's model Westley and Maclean's Conceptual Model Newcomb's model of communication George Gerbner's model

When was Jay van Berlo born?

Jay van Berlo was born on 1988-09-18.

When was Nathan van Berlo born?

Nathan van Berlo was born on 1986-06-06.

Is jay van Berlo related to Nathan van Berlo?

Yes, Jay is the younger brother of Nathan.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Aristotle's model of communication?

The advantage of Aristotle's model of communication is that the communication process is broken down so it is easier for the speaker. A disadvantage is that he must know his audience well or the process won't work.