A number can't be cubed and prime. Cubed numbers (other than 1) have more than two factors.
The sum of the first n cubed numbers is the square of the nth triangular number.
The sum of the first n cubed numbers is: [n*(n+1)/2]2 which is the same as the square of the sum of the first n numbers.
2,628,071 and 2,628,073. 138 cubed is 2,628,072
1, 8, 27, 64
A number can't be cubed and prime. Cubed numbers (other than 1) have more than two factors.
Well, honey, the cubed numbers between 2000 and 3000 are 8 cubed (512), 9 cubed (729), 10 cubed (1000), 11 cubed (1331), 12 cubed (1728), 13 cubed (2197), 14 cubed (2744), and 15 cubed (3375). So, there you have it, sweetie!
The sum of the first n cubed numbers is the square of the nth triangular number.
The sum of the first n cubed numbers is: [n*(n+1)/2]2 which is the same as the square of the sum of the first n numbers.
2,628,071 and 2,628,073. 138 cubed is 2,628,072
Perfect cubes.
1, 8, 27, 64
8 is 2 cubed 27 is 3 cubed
If you mean the sum of two cubed numbers then the answer is simply 'none' with the trivial exception of all of them being 0. For more info check out "Fermat's last theorem".
The first 5 cubed numbers are 1x1x1=1, 2x2x2=8, 3x3x3=27, 4x4x4=64 and 5x5x5=125. :)
A cubed number has been multiplied by itself 3 times, so x cubed is x times x times x.