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This article is about black American students, but does give the total stats on home schooled children in the U.S. It's an interesting article and one that may help you make your decision to home school your children. Many parents fear for their children because of incidents such as Columbine or bullying at school which has gone up in percentage and not down. Home Schooling Basics: Facts and Myths Date: Monday, May 01, 2006 By: Jennifer JamesIn today's educational landscape, school choice and educational alternatives are the talk of parents nationwide. From vouchers to charter schools to improved public schools, black parents are forging ahead to find the best fit to erase educational and achievement disparities and to encourage black children to achieve educational excellence. One educational alternative that has just begun to take off in the black community is home schooling. In fact, blacks are now the fastest growing demographic of home schoolers totaling about 110,000 among a total number of 1.1 million home schooled children in the United States, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. While home schooling is becoming a more mainstream educational option for black parents, there is still much to know about this recent educational trend. If you are interested in learning more about educating your child at home, here is a summary of home schooling basics, spelling out the facts and dispelling some common myths. What exactly is home schooling? Home schooling, as its name implies, is the practice of providing one's child an education at home and in the community, although most of the learning does take place in the home. Home schooling is a flexible form of education where you can either home school during a traditional school year or all year round. You can teach during traditional school hours (which is recommended), but you may also teach during nontraditional times, such as on some weekends and evenings. You can even enroll your child in community groups and activities to supplement his or her at-home educational experience and participate as a family in home school co-ops and support groups. Home schooling, quite simply, is a family-based, child-centered approach to learning and teaching where parents assume the role as their child's primary educator. How do I get started? Getting started is a very simple process. So simple, in fact, millions of children are home schooled across the country. It is important to know that home schooling is legal in all 50 states, although each state's home school laws do vary. First, before any other step, be certain to contact your state home school organization. Your state's home school organization is going to be your first place of contact because they know the precise details about beginning the home schooling process where you live. Most states have more than one state-wide home schooling organization, so visit their web sites and contact the one you feel most comfortable with. From there, you will learn all of the laws you must be in compliance with in order to become a legal home schooling family as well as receive valuable resources that are available to you in your state. What about socialization?Fifteen years ago socialization may have been a genuine area of concern, but today, with so many who are home schooled, socialization is quite simply a non-issue. It was once believed that home schooled children spent all of their waking hours cooped up in their home with all the blinds closed. That was untrue then and it is certainly untrue now. Recent studies have shown homeschooling to be very active in their communities. Plus, home schooled families participate in or start local support groups for both socializing and learning. Home schooled children, like their peers in traditional schools, play on sports and academic teams, hold part-time jobs, volunteer, become interns and even take classes at community colleges. While home schooling critics might sound the alarm about the socialization issue, the fact remains that home schooled students are well-adjusted and well-socialized. Will home schooling be expensive? One of the true benefits of home schooling is as a parent you have control over the type of materials and resources you use to teach your child. As with all things, there is a wide range of prices for home schooling resources. You can either purchase a complete boxed curriculum with a year?s worth of material for hundreds of dollars or you can use an educator discount card at bookstore chains and office supply stores to build your own curriculum for a fraction of the cost. Some parents browse the internet for used boxed curricula and textbooks which saves them money. Other parents are more frugal and utilize as many free resources as they can such as their local public library, museums, wildlife reserves, historic homesteads and community centers and attractions. Whatever your budget, you can find creative ways to provide a well-rounded, comprehensive education for your child. Although home schooling is growing rapidly in the black community, black home schoolers still make up only a small fraction of all home schoolers in the United States. Regardless of the numbers, though, black home schoolers consistently tout the educational improvements of their children and realize the proven potential of being completely invested in their children?s education. Interested in Home Schooling?Ask yourself if you are truly up for the challenge of teaching your children at home. Will you put your whole heart into it or use it as a band-aid to mask any bigger educational problems your child may be experiencing? Remember, at home you are solely responsible for your child's education. Find Support. Talk to other home schooling families. Look for local home schooling family support groups that get together for educational outings and field trips during which parents help lead teaching and discussions. Contact your state's home school organizations or agencies. Home schooling is legal in all 50 states, although each state's home school laws do vary. State organizations can help you understand all of the laws you must be in compliance with in order to become a legal home schooling family.

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Q: What are the current statistics for home schooling in the US?
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