A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone.
The circle is a conic section where the plane is perpendicular to the axis of the cone. The special case of a point is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.
The ellipse is a conic section where the plane is not perpendicular to the axis, but its angle is less than one of the nappes. The special case of a point is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.
The parabola is a conic section where the plane is parallel to one of the nappes. The special case of two intersecting lines is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.
The hyperbole is a conic section where the angle of the plane is greater than on of the nappes. There are two sides to the hyperbole. The special case of two lines intersecting is where the vertex of the cone lies on the plane.
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Conic Sections are figures that can be formed by slicing a three dimensional right circular cone with a plane. There are different ways to do this, and each way yields a different figure. These figures can be represented on the graph as well as algebraically. The four conic sections are circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.
an ellipse, one of the four types of "conic sections": ellipse, circle, parabola, and hyperbola
the four sections created by the coordinate axes
A square has four corners whereas a circle doesn't.
The intersecting x- and y-axes divide the coordinate plane into four sections.
Conic Sections are figures that can be formed by slicing a three dimensional right circular cone with a plane. There are different ways to do this, and each way yields a different figure. These figures can be represented on the graph as well as algebraically. The four conic sections are circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.
Kepler discovered that planets move in elipses which are stretched out cicles. elipses are 1 of the four conic sections
The four conic sections that I know of in mathematics are two dimensional shapes that can be made by getting the cross section of two cones that are inverted and share the same tip at a certain angle. For example, you can cut the cones horizontally to get a circle, cut it at a slight angle to get an ellipse, cut it at the same angle as the slant of the cone to get a parabola, or cut it vertically to get a hyperbola. There are also equations for the conic sections, which can all be found on Wikipedia, along with this information.
an ellipse, one of the four types of "conic sections": ellipse, circle, parabola, and hyperbola
four differences between fileprocessing system and database management system
conic, planar, cylindrical, and azimuthal
the declaration has four major sections.
The Cartesian graph is divided into four sections called quadrants.
Four Feet
The four sections of a symphony orchestra are woodwinds, brass, strings, and percussion.
the four sections created by the coordinate axes