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Q: What are the different foods groups and give 5 example each?
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Why do you need to eat from each food group?

Each food group helps your body in different ways. For example, if you only had dairy foods your bones would be strong, but you would have no energy from fats and sugars.

What are food group?

Food groups are foods that have a similar effect on the body as well as are similar in how they grow. That's why apples, for example, belong with the group where oranges are, and not potatoes. The food pyramid designates these food groups and how much to eat of each.

What are 2 different ways to splite 50 cubes into equal groups?

-- 2 groups of 25 each -- 5 groups of 10 each

Why are vertebrates classified into different groups?

Vertebrates are classified into different groups based on distinct characteristics such as body structure, reproductive methods, and evolutionary history. These groups help scientists organize and study the diversity of vertebrate species and understand their relationships within the animal kingdom. Classification also aids in identifying common traits and differences among vertebrates for research and conservation purposes.

When a species is made up of different smaller groups, each of those smaller groups is known as a?


When a species is made up of different groups each of those smaller groups is known as a?

Subspecies is the term.

How many different groups are there within Islam?

there are 2 main groups shiites and sunnis then there are branches within each

What do the different towns name indicate ?

Each indicates a different example of abuse in Dix’s journal 

Research suggests that hostile groups can learn to get along with each other when the groups are fairly equal in status and there is personal interaction between the groups. This is an example of?

Contact hypothesis ;)

Why is it important to eat foods each day from each of the food groups?

No food or food group can supply the body with all the essential nutrients needed for good health.

What was developed by nutriionists to classify foods into major groups and tell how many servings from each group to eat?

A food pyramid was developed.

Which plan groups foods according to types and indicates how much of each type should be eaten daily for a healthy diet?

my pyramid.