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Please don't change the subject to the weather or your journey home yesterday. I do not want you going off in tangents when we are discussing trigonometric ratios such as tangents.

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Q: What are the different forms in which you can use the word tangent?
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How can you use the noun tangent in a sentence?

Tangent can mean: a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point. Today in maths we studied tangents. Or tangent can mean: a completely different line of thought or action. The discussion went off at a tangent and we never resolved the problem.

How do you use tangent in a sentence?

A departure from the subject under consideration

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I was, you were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were. (WAS/WERE are the past forms of the verb to be)

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Use it to broaden a search to include different forms of the truncated word.

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It has been estimated that he used 27,000 words. This does not of course include different forms of the same word as seperate words.

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Do you need a right traingle to use sine cosine and tangent?

Yes, sine, cosine, tangent definitions are based on right triangles

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The different 1040 forms are for the different types of jobs and incomes that require a different file for tax purposes. for instance a renter and a homeowner would use different 1040 forms.

How can you use tangent in a sentence?

The teacher explained the directions for part one but then he went off a tangent and we never got the directions for part two.

How do you get a tangent of one?

Use an angle of pi/4 radians.

What is the Latin word for should?

Latin did not have a word for 'should.' In fact, they they did not use auxilary verbs as we do in English - no should, did, might, may, will, shall, etc. To convey the same idea, they used different forms of the main verb.

How would you make different forms available to different departments?

The best way to share forms with multiple departments is to use a shared drive, if you are a small ocmpany I would use Google share.