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The central point (0,0) is called the origin.

The horizontal line is called the x-axis, and traditionally denotes the independent variable.

The vertical line is called the y-axis, and traditionally denotes the dependent variable.

Each quarter of the graph, as defined by the intersection of the axes, is called a quadrant, and are labeled Ithrough IV, going clockwise from the top right.

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Q: What are the different parts of a Cartesian coordinate system?
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What are the parts of cartesian coordinate plane?

Horizontal, vertical, lateral

Parts of cartesian plane?

what are the parts of the Cartesian plane ?

Draw the cartesian plane and label its parts?

Cartesian plane is the x-y coordinate plane for graphing. x axis goes horizontally, neg to left and pos to the right. y-axis is vertical, neg is down, pos is up. The center where both x and y intersect is the origin, 0 for both x and y. This divides the plane into 4 parts called quadrants.

What are the parts the cartesian coordinate plane?

A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the sameunit of length. Each reference line is called a coordinate axis or just axis of the system, and the point where they meet is its origin, usually at ordered pair (0,0). The coordinates can also be defined as the positions of the perpendicular projections of the point onto the two axes, expressed as signed distances from the origin.One can use the same principle to specify the position of any point in three-dimensional space by three Cartesian coordinates, its signed distances to three mutually perpendicular planes (or, equivalently, by its perpendicular projection onto three mutually perpendicular lines). In general, one can specify a point in a space of any dimension n by use of n Cartesian coordinates, the signed distances from n mutually perpendicular hyperplanes.Cartesian coordinate system with a circle of radius 2 centered at the origin marked in red. The equation of a circle is (x− a)2 + (y − b)2 = r2where a and b are the coordinates of the center (a, b) and r is the radius.The invention of Cartesian coordinates in the 17th century by René Descartes (Latinized name: Cartesius) revolutionized mathematics by providing the first systematic link between Euclidean geometry and algebra. Using the Cartesian coordinate system, geometric shapes (such as curves) can be described by Cartesian equations: algebraic equations involving the coordinates of the points lying on the shape. For example, a circle of radius 2 may be described as the set of all points whose coordinates x and y satisfy the equation x2+ y2 = 4.Cartesian coordinates are the foundation of analytic geometry, and provide enlightening geometric interpretations for many other branches of mathematics, such as linear algebra, complex analysis, differential geometry, multivariate calculus, group theory, and more. A familiar example is the concept of the graph of afunction. Cartesian coordinates are also essential tools for most applied disciplines that deal with geometry, including astronomy, physics, engineering, and many more. They are the most common coordinate system used in computer graphics, computer-aided geometric design, and other geometry-related data processing

The four parts or a coordinate plane?

are the four quadrants.

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What are the parts of Cartesian Coordinate System?

The parts of a cartesian coordinate system include the origin (point 0,0), the x-axis or abscissa, the y-axis or ordinate, and the quadrants into which the x and y axes divide the plane.

What are the parts of cartesian coordinate plane?

Horizontal, vertical, lateral

What is the parts of cartesian coordinate system?

there are quadrants,axis ,and origin. but there are also plotted labeled ordered pair of numbers that go on the quadrants

How many number lines comprise the basic parts of a Cartesian coordinate system?

Its 2. The horizontal axes and the vertical axes. god bless you.

How many number lines comprise the basic parts of a cartesian cooridnate system?

As many as the number of dimensions that the coordinate system represents. 2 if it is 2-dimensional plane, 3 if 3-d space and so on.

How the different parts of the nervous system work together?

Different parts of the nervous system work toghether by performing one specific job which is to control and coordinate your body`s system.

How the different parts of the nervous system works together?

Different parts of the nervous system work toghether by performing one specific job which is to control and coordinate your body`s system.

Parts of coordinate system?

Origin and axes.

Parts of cartesian plane?

what are the parts of the Cartesian plane ?

Parts of the cartesian coordinate system?

It has a horizontal number line called the x axis It has a vertical number line called the y axis Both axes are perpendicular to each other and meet at the origin Graphs can be plotted on it

What is a rectangular coordinate system and identify its parts?

It's like cheese.