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Q: What are the different steps in making the oblique drawing?
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What are the steps to make a lamp out of an orange?

Different sources offer different explanations for making a lamp out of an orange but the best steps can be seen on the YouTube video tutorial; Make a Lamp from an Orange in 1 Minute.

The different steps involved in a research process briefly?

The steps involved in a research process can include selecting a topic or picking a question, figure out keywords, and refining your search topic. Other steps may be using reference books, making source cards, and making an outline.

How do you draw like an artist?

to talk to a artist and then they will tell you the basic steps or drawing ....

Are data collection and guided discovery two of the five steps in the ISSA drawing-in phasep?

Yes, data collection and guided discovery are two important steps in the ISSA drawing-in phase. The drawing-in phase consists of five steps, which also include client education, goal setting, and behavior change techniques. These steps help assess the client's current state, identify goals, and lay the foundation for designing an effective fitness program.

How many steps are in the process of making a painting?

There is about 4 steps to making a painting...........First, Second, Then, Finally!

What pollutants are produced in each of these different steps?

In the extraction phase, pollutants such as methane and other volatile organic compounds can be released. During the transportation phase, pollutants like nitrogen oxides and particulate matter are emitted. In the refining phase, pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide can be generated.

What is the steps you use during an experiment called?

The steps used during an experiment are typically referred to as the scientific method. This involves making observations, forming a hypothesis, conducting experiments to test the hypothesis, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions based on the results. These steps help researchers systematically investigate and understand phenomena in a logical and structured way.

Drawing of fundamental steps of Philippine folk dances?

philippines basic folk dance

What are the steps involved in drawing a cartoon man?

As with any kind of basic art, drawing a realistic cartoon man can vary in the steps. Some good references are Wikihow and YouTube. Basically, it comes down to working from the head and going down.

What are the steps of making isometric drawing?

step 1.umakbang ng isa.step 2 humakbang ng dalawa step 3!humakbang ng tatlo. at step 4 tumak bo n lang kayo