Dinosaurs are usually large in size, the largest being 30 metres long, and they come in different looks and sizes. Dinosaurs are either herbivorous, carnivorous or omnivorous. Herbivorous dinosaurs are usually larger in size and have longer necks than the others as they evolved to scare carnivorous dinosaurs who are preying on them away. They usually live in herds. They have short and blunt teeth as they are sufficient for chewing on plants. They probably swallowed stones to aid them in their digestion. Carnivorous dinosaurs are large in size and the usually walk on their hinds. They have long and sharp teeth for killing their prey and ripping their flesh for food. Omnivorous dinosaurs are not as large as carnivorous dinosaurs. They usually walk on their hinds but they do not have specific kinds of teeth as they consume plants, animals and even eggs.
There are five types of dinosaurs.
The five main types of dinosaurs are Theropoda, Sauropoda, Ornithopoda, Ceratopsia, and Thyreophora. The first two were lizard hipped, belonging to Saurischia, and rest were bird hipped, members of Ornithischia.
This is a hard question but there are about 200 different types.
there are over 1000 different types of years
The 4 different types of protists are to get away from bacteria,
Stuff to do with dinosaurs.
There are five types of dinosaurs.
melanosaurs, plateosaurs, tyrannosaurs, segnosaurs, thecondontosaurs, megalosaurs, ceratopsians . these are all the dinosaurs i no thank you
Dinosaurs lived in all sorts of terrain throughout the world. This included different types of forests, swamps, oceans, and marshes.
All dinosaurs are vertebrates.
Many types of non-avian dinosaurs lived in Wales, and it's fauna would not have been much different from that of the rest of western Europe.
there was no dinosaurs during the ice age
there were no types of water dinosaurs. Diosaurs only lived on land.
There were many different types of dinosaurs. It was the mid Triassic period
Dinosaurs were decomposed by the same types of organisms that decompose carcasses today, if they weren't scavenged to the bone by a different hungry dinosaur. Such organisms include insects, worms, and bacteria.
The main types of herbivorous dinosaurs are ornithopods, ceratopsians, Thereophora, and sauropods. A few types of theropods were herbivorous, too.