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There are five types of dinosaurs.

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Q: What were the types of dinosaurs?
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5 types of Dinosaurs?

The five main types of dinosaurs are Theropoda, Sauropoda, Ornithopoda, Ceratopsia, and Thyreophora. The first two were lizard hipped, belonging to Saurischia, and rest were bird hipped, members of Ornithischia.

What are the different types of dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are usually large in size, the largest being 30 metres long, and they come in different looks and sizes. Dinosaurs are either herbivorous, carnivorous or omnivorous. Herbivorous dinosaurs are usually larger in size and have longer necks than the others as they evolved to scare carnivorous dinosaurs who are preying on them away. They usually live in herds. They have short and blunt teeth as they are sufficient for chewing on plants. They probably swallowed stones to aid them in their digestion. Carnivorous dinosaurs are large in size and the usually walk on their hinds. They have long and sharp teeth for killing their prey and ripping their flesh for food. Omnivorous dinosaurs are not as large as carnivorous dinosaurs. They usually walk on their hinds but they do not have specific kinds of teeth as they consume plants, animals and even eggs.

What birds have more than two feet?


Where in the Bible does it talk of the dinosaurs?

in job 40, job speaks about the leviathan and the behemoth. The behemoth is thought to be a large sauropod according to how job described it. As for the leviathan, there are theories that its either a type of crocodile or a whale.

How many hours were in a day when the dinosaurs were around?

I would think that it would be 24 like we have today!

Related questions

What types of dinosaurs are vertebratezx?

All dinosaurs are vertebrates.

How many types dinosaurs lived under the water?

there were no types of water dinosaurs. Diosaurs only lived on land.

What types of dinosaurs are on ice age?

there was no dinosaurs during the ice age

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What are the 4 general types of plant-eating dinosaurs?

The main types of herbivorous dinosaurs are ornithopods, ceratopsians, Thereophora, and sauropods. A few types of theropods were herbivorous, too.

What dinosaurs eat plats and other dinosaurs?

many types of dinosaurs eat all sorts of plats. Especially TIGERS!!!

What are some types of dinosaurs?


What types of dinosaurs lay eggs?

All of them

What are five types of dinosaurs?

Five types of dinosaurs are sauropods, carnosaurs, therapods, ceratopsians and hadrosaurs

What are four types of dinosaurs that travel in herds?

Four types of dinosaurs that travel in herds are the velociraptor, the stegosaurus, the brachiosaurus, and the hypsilophodon. They often grouped together for protection.

What are the two major types of dinosaurs?

carnivore and herbavore

What were three types of plants when dinosaurs were living?
