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Q: What are the different ways in describing a set?
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What are the two ways in describing sets?

The Description Form, Roster Form, and The Set-Builder Notation Form.

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Points on a grid? It would then be x,y and z coordinates

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by congruence, difference, or by identifying w/c is greater or less

What are the ways of describing a set in alegbra college?

The set of all x which are answers to a particular problem. The set of all ordered pairs, (x,y), which are solutions to an equation of 2 variables.

What are the ways in describing a set?

a.Roster Method:By listing ex:A={1,3,5,7} b.Rule Method:By describing/defining ex:A={the first odd numbers}

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What are the two ways of describing a set?

There are two ways of describing, or specifying the members of, a set. One way is by intensional definition, using a rule or semantic description. See this example: A is the set whose members are the first four positive integers. B is the set of colors of the French flag. The second way is by extension, that is, listing each member of the set. An extensional definition is notated by enclosing the list of members in braces: C = {4, 2, 1, 3} D = {blue, white, red}

Two ways of describing a set?

There are two ways of describing, or specifying the members of, a set. One way is by intensional definition, using a rule or semantic description. See this example: A is the set whose members are the first four positive integers. B is the set of colors of the French flag. The second way is by extension, that is, listing each member of the set. An extensional definition is notated by enclosing the list of members in braces: C = {4, 2, 1, 3} D = {blue, white, red}

Methods in describing a set?


What mean confusion?

Confusion has many different ways of describing it such as: Getting mixed up with something or Being puzzled or Not to understand something