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Well, the only ones i know right now are:

Textual Method - uses tets/paragraphs

Tabular Method - uses tables

Graphical Method - uses graphs or visuals

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Q: What are the different ways to present a data?
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What are four ways that you can graphically present data?

Four ways to graphically present data are through bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, and scatter plots. Each type of graph is best suited for displaying different types of data and relationships between variables. Choose the graph that fits best with the data you are trying to communicate.

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What are 3 different ways you can record or summarize data?

graphs,data and illustration

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Different ways of organizing data that has been research is putting them in different files and folders either on a computer or on another electronic device.

Data gathering methods?

Different ways to gather data include:SurveyTelemarketingWeb searchHistorical analysis

What are the three ways of presenting data in statistics?

Ways on how to present data: 1. Textual 2. Tabular 3. Graphical Now search for the branches under those topics!

What are different ways of presenting observed data?

You could present all of the raw data. If there is only a tiny amount, this might not be bad. With larger amounts this is close to useless. You could summarize the data and present it in tables, giving means, medians, modes, and other things for data categorized in various ways. This might be a good preliminary view of the data. You could use any of a number of charts to give visual impact to summarized data. You could do more sophisticated statistical analysis, presumably based on the questions you originally asked that led to the gathering of the data.

What are the ways in presenting data in science?

There are several common ways to present data in science. One way is through tables, which display numbers and categories in an organized format. Another way is through graphs, which visually represent the relationship between variables. Additionally, data can be presented through charts, diagrams, or through the use of infographics to convey information in a more visually appealing manner.

Type of data?

data can be represented in different ways such as in data communicatoin numbers images audio video etc

What two different ways scientist do not collect data?

When they are on holiday they do not collect data When they are writing up their results they do not collect data.

How is data collected in statistics?

data can be collected many different ways, but a survey can be cunducted in a few different ways some of them are: simple random, stratified, block samples stratified simple random