Starting at home plate, all the way around in a square, each base is 90 feet apart. Then the pitcher's rubber is 60 feet 6 inches away from home plate.
yes it does
The distance across the diamond is 114.6 feet.
8100 ft2
Yes, the common name for an equiangular equilateral quadrilateral would be a square, a special instance of a rhombus (four sided figure with equal sides) which is a common interpretation of "diamond" in two dimensions. If by diamond you mean "kite" then no, by definition kites are not equiangular.
Every base is in the infieldof the average baseball diamond with regular dimensions.
The same as in Major League Baseball and all levels of the game from high school on up.
The dimensions -- measurements -- of a diamond include its carat weight, its cut, its clarity and its colour.
Diamond gemstones are graded according to each diamond's cut, colour, clarity and carat weight.
In Texas, I believe Middle School uses a 70-foot diamond...same as PONY.
no but in platinum can
Depending on the cut, every diamond weighing two carats will have different dimensions. For example, a round brilliant cut diamond could measure about 8.2MM at the girdle. Its other dimensions depend on the quality of the cut.
According to Wikipedia, these are the dimensions of the Hope Diamond: "The dimensions in terms of length, width, and depth are 25.60mm × 21.78mm × 12.00mm (1in × 7/8in × 15/32in)."
The volume of a diamond cannot be determined solely by its weight. The volume would depend on the specific cut, dimensions, and density of the diamond.
If you are talking about the infield, which is a standard size in all major league stadiums, the square footage would be 8100 square feet. The outfield dimensions vary from stadium to stadium. It is 90 feet from base to base. There are 4 bases that form a square. Therefore 90'x90'=8100 square feet.
there is no certain dimension the come in all differnet dimensions
A diamond because a baseball field is a diamond shape