Since the fictional spaceship appeared as various full scale sets & models, it depends upon which Jupiter 2 you reference. Contemporary model kits & toys scale the Jupiter 2 out at 63' in diameter, & the depth of the hull 18' (this measurement excludes the bubble on top, & the fusion core beneath). These measurements are based upon Ron Gross's 1993 scale drawings & subsequent Polar Lights model kit based on his original.
On paper = 2 dimensions Physical = 3 dimensions Examples: a square is 2 dimensions and a cube is 3 dimensions a circle is 2 dimensions and a ball is 3 dimensions
A ray can be in 2 dimensions, in 3 dimensions, or in fact in any number of dimensions.
2-D means 2 dimensions.
It has 2 dimensions which are length and width
A Plain Triangle Has 2 Dimensions.
On paper = 2 dimensions Physical = 3 dimensions Examples: a square is 2 dimensions and a cube is 3 dimensions a circle is 2 dimensions and a ball is 3 dimensions
A ray can be in 2 dimensions, in 3 dimensions, or in fact in any number of dimensions.
the dimensions are 1" by 1 1/2"
2-D means 2 dimensions.
That is because a cube has 3 dimensions, and a square has 2.That is because a cube has 3 dimensions, and a square has 2.That is because a cube has 3 dimensions, and a square has 2.That is because a cube has 3 dimensions, and a square has 2.
2 dimensions
it has 2 Dimensions
it didn't, jupiter has no solid surface to land on. Voyager 2 flew by Jupiter. It began observing Jupiter on April 25, 1979.
It has 2 dimensions which are length and width
A side (2-dimensions) or edge (3-dimensions).
The are no dimensions: the result is a pure number which is 24. "2 by 3 by 4" is a numerical expression: there are no dimensions associated with any of the three numbers and so there are no dimensions in their products.
Voyager 1 & 2 reached Jupiter in 1979 and Galileo arrived at Jupiter in 1995.