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Q: What are the directions when you have an equation?
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What does a two direction arrow indicate in a chemical equation?

It indicates that the reaction can proceed in both directions. It could also mean that the reactions are in a dynamic equilibrium.

How do you graph line in slope intercept fom?

The "form" only refers to how the equation of the line is written. It has no effect on what the line looks like when the equation is graphed. To graph a linear equation, no matter what form it's written in: -- Pick a number for 'x'. Use the equation to calculate 'y'. Graph the point. -- Pick another 'x'. Use the equation to calculate the new 'y'. Graph the point. -- Draw a straight line between the two points, and as much farther as you want to in either or both directions.

Why do we use a double arrow in the dissociation equation for a weak acid?

The double arrow in a dissociation equation for a weak acid represents that the reaction can occur in both the forward and reverse directions. Weak acids only partially dissociate in water, so the equilibrium can shift in either direction depending on the conditions.

What does 'toutes directions' mean?

Toutes directions means 'all directions' in French.

What are in between directions called?

Intermediate directions, such as northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest, are the directions that are in between the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west.

What are the primary and secondary directions?

In astrology primary directions and secondary directions are used for progressions. Primary directions are a degree for a year and secondary directions are a day for a year.

What is the directions of cardinal directions?

Primary directions: North, South, East and West.

Why do you follow directions?

It's not like you have to follow directions. You follow directions because you want to.

Are east west south and north cardinal directions or ordinal directions?

they are cardinal directions.

What is a drawing that indicates directions on a map especially cardinal and intermediate directions?

what is a drawing that indicates directions on a map especially cardinal and intermediate directions

What is the difference between cardinal directions and ordinal directions?

Cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) are the main directions on a compass rose, while ordinal directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest) are the intermediate directions located between the cardinal directions. Ordinal directions provide more specific information about direction compared to cardinal directions.