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You cannot, since there is no information on how far along you go. In actual fact, a line has no end-points, it is infinite in both directions.

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Q: How do you find the endpoint of a line given the other end point and the equation in slope y intercept form?
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What is the equation in slope intercept form that passes of the given point -73x4 and is parallel?

The equation in slope-intercept form of a line that is parallel to a given line can be written as y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the given line and b is the y-intercept. However, since the slope is not provided in the question, the equation cannot be determined.

What is an equation that represents a line?

y=mx+b is the equation of a line in the plane in slope intercept form. The m is the slope and the b is the y intercept. There are many other forms of equations of lines.

How do you find the endpoint of a line segment when one endpoint is given and a point one third of the way is given?

There are two possible answers given the information. What isn't given is if the second point is one third of the way from the known or unknown endpoint. Say the known endpoint is (xe,ye) and the point one third of the way along is (xt,yt). If the point one third of the way is closest to the known endpoint, the other endpoint would be (xe+3*(xt-xe), ye+3*(yt-ye)). This is probably the answer implied by your question. If the point is closest to the unknown endpoint the the unknown endpoint is (xe+(3/2)*(xt-xe), ye+(3/2)*(yt-ye)).

How do you find the other midpoint when given the endpoint and one midpoint?

i have found the answer dont worry.

What equations is parallel to y equals 4x plus 5?

A parallel equation has the same slope to the given equation. Note that your equation is in slope-intercept form; when an equation is solved for "y" (y = ...x + ...), the number in front of the "x" is the slope. Solve each of the other equations for "y" (if they are not already solved for "y"), and check the number in front of the "x".

Related questions

What is the other endpoint of the line segment with the given endpoint and midpoint. Endpoint (6-9) midpoint (76)?

If you mean endpoint (6, 9) and midpoint (7, 6) then the other endpoint is (8, 3)

What is the equation in slope intercept form that passes of the given point -73x4 and is parallel?

The equation in slope-intercept form of a line that is parallel to a given line can be written as y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the given line and b is the y-intercept. However, since the slope is not provided in the question, the equation cannot be determined.

How do you find an endpoint if you are given one endpoint and the midpoint?

If you are only given one endpoint and a midpoint, you know what the middle of the line segment is. Since the midpoint is half of what the line segment's length is, all you have to do is find the distance between the endpoint given and the midpoint, then add that coordinate to your midpoint and get your other endpoint. For example: Endpoint A: (4,5) Midpoint: (6,8) Distance between: (2,3) Add (2,3) to (6,8) and get Endpoint B: (8,11).

What is an equation that is parallel to -3x 1 on a graph?

y = -3x + 7 is an equation which gives us a line parallel to the line y = -3x + 1, or the line -3x - 1. The equation given represents the slope-intercept form of the equation for a line. Slope-intercept takes the form y = mx + b. In this form the the value of m represents the slope of the line, while b represents the Y intercept. All lines with the same slope are parallel (unless they're exactly the same.) So to find a parallel line, we simply adjust the Y intercept to any value other than the one given.

What is the equation for two other lines that pass through the point 4 2?

Not enough information has been given but in general the equation of a straight line is y = mx+b whereas m is the slope and b is the y intercept.

What is an equation that represents a line?

y=mx+b is the equation of a line in the plane in slope intercept form. The m is the slope and the b is the y intercept. There are many other forms of equations of lines.

What is the slope and y-intercept of the line given by the equation y equals -5x?

The slope is -5. The x- and y-intercepts are both zero. In other words, it passes through the origin.

Graph 3x-y equals 3?


How do you get the y intercept without having to draw a graph?

You can put the equation into slope-intercept form and the answer is right there, or you can put it in standard form and make the x coefficient and x "disappear" and solve the equation by dividing the number with y by the number on the other side of the equation.

Does a change in the y intercept make the line more or less steep?

Neither. Changing the y-intercept will simply move the line up or down the y-axis.The "steepness" is all a matter of the slope.Now that we said that, we can think of a situation where changing the y-interceptwould change the slope of the line:That would be where you were given the y-intercept and one other point, and youhave to find the slope, or find the equation, or draw the line.If somebody sneaks in and changes the y-intercept, but leaves the other point rightwhere it is, then the slope of the line changes, (and so does the equation).

How do you find the endpoint of a line segment when one endpoint is given and a point one third of the way is given?

There are two possible answers given the information. What isn't given is if the second point is one third of the way from the known or unknown endpoint. Say the known endpoint is (xe,ye) and the point one third of the way along is (xt,yt). If the point one third of the way is closest to the known endpoint, the other endpoint would be (xe+3*(xt-xe), ye+3*(yt-ye)). This is probably the answer implied by your question. If the point is closest to the unknown endpoint the the unknown endpoint is (xe+(3/2)*(xt-xe), ye+(3/2)*(yt-ye)).

A line is perpendicular to 2X - y 3 and its y-intercept -2 what is the equation of the line?

Perpendicular would mean that the slope of both lines have to be the same. The slope of the given line is 2, so the equation of the other line is of the form y=2x+c with c some constant. Since it is given that the intercept of the second line is -2, we know that -2 = 0.x + c which gives us c = -2 Using this, we can see that the equation of the perpendicular line is y=2x-2