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they are limited ,this means that they are only applicable for 1 precise value and the other one should be a range .a word and it does not lead to the comparism of 2 values of the same identity

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Q: What are the disadvantages of bargraphs?
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What are bargraphs?

It is a tool used to to organize topics over an amount of time that includes a title, x&y axis, numbers, catagories, and labels.

When do you use a bargraph linegraph and a piegraph?

Bargraphs are used for histograms. Linegraphs are to show relationship over time. And piegraphs is to show percentage of the whole.

How do architects use graphs and lines?

No, not at all.Architects use measurements and the foundations of geometry it takes a little bit of math but it does not need bargraphs or line plots.

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A histographs bars are touching when a bar graphs are not and a histogragh uses intervals like 6-12 when a bar graph just use one number like 5

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