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Q: What are the disadvantages of using a negative rather than a positive stain?
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Is HIV gram stain positive or negative?

The answer to whether HIV gram-stain positive or negative is that HIV gram-stain is negative. They retain the light red or pink color after the stain.

Does candida have a positive or negative gram stain?

Gram positive

Does yogurt stain gram positive or gram negative?

Yogurt contains mostly lactic acid bacteria, which are Gram-positive bacteria. This means they will stain purple under a Gram stain.

Why will gram positive cells stain gram negative?


How do you know that it is a negative or a positive bacteria?

By which type of stain colors it.

What color is gram negative stain and gram positive stain if you forget to apply iodine?

If iodine is not applied, both the gram-positive and gram-negative stains will appear to be gram-negative. The iodine acts as a mordant that helps to fix the crystal violet stain in the gram-positive bacteria, making them appear purple. Without iodine, the crystal violet stain can be easily washed out of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, resulting in a pink or red color.

What does a negative result for a spore stain indicate about the organism?

A negative result for a spore stain indicates that the organism does not form endospores. Endospore formation is a survival mechanism for some bacteria to withstand harsh environments, so a negative result suggests that the organism may be more susceptible to environmental stressors.

What is the Gram stain for measles?

Bacteria stain either gram-positive or gram-negative based on the presence or absence of a cell wall. Viruses do not pick up a gram stain.

What does gram negative on a serratia marcescens gram stain mean?

Gram-negative on a Serratia marcescens gram stain means that the bacterium has a cell wall that does not retain the crystal violet stain used in the gram staining procedure. This indicates that Serratia marcescens has a thin peptidoglycan cell wall, and the outer membrane contains lipopolysaccharides.

Is food poisoning negative or positive in a Gram stain?

Food poisoning is negative in a Gram stain. Gram-negative bacteria like Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter are common causes of food poisoning.

Is shigella flexneri gram positive or negative?

When a gram stain is done on Shigella flexneri, the cells are light pink. This means that they are gram negative.

Is B subtilis a gram positive or gram negative bacterium?

gram positive Exactly. When doing a gram stain on B. subtilis, this bacterium resists decolorization (keping the first stain and NOT taking on the color of the secondary stain). Therefore, this bacterium is gram (+).