Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples. Divisibility shows what factors come out of what multiples.
Edward Chavez
all even numbers
275 x 1 275 x 2 275 x 3 275 x 4 275 x 5 etc... The answers to all of those are divisible by 275
all numbers
Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples. Divisibility shows what factors come out of what multiples.
The divisibility rules for a prime number is if it is ONLY divisible by 1, and itself.
I can check them for divisibility by prime numbers.
Edward Chavez
275, 550, 825 and so on.
5 * 55 = 275
all even numbers
Judging by some of the questions asked on this site, the first rule is that divisibility is a concept that applies only to whole numbers.
275 x 1 275 x 2 275 x 3 275 x 4 275 x 5 etc... The answers to all of those are divisible by 275