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Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples. Divisibility shows what factors come out of what multiples.

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Q: What is the relationship between factors multiples and divisibility?
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Is 22 divisibility of multiples or factors?

22 is a multiple of 11. 22 is a factor of 44.

What is the deferents between factors and multiples?

Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

What is the difference between multiples and factors?

Factors go into the number. The number goes into multiples.

How are factors and multiples similar?

They have an inverse relationship in the sense that if A is a multiple of B, then B is a factor of A.They describe relationships between numbers.

Explain the difference between factors and multiples?

Factors are just a line of numbers while multiples are a line of times

What is the connection between factors and multiples?

All factors of a number n will be factors of any multiple of n. All multiples of a number n will be multiples of any factor of n.

What is the difference between factors and multiples?

Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

How are multiples and factors similar and different from each other?

They're both whole numbers. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples. They have an inverse relationship. If A is a factor of B, then B is a multiple of A.

What is the relationship between the numerators of the factors and the numerators of the product?

The relationship between the factors and the product is that they are both fractions.

What do factors and multiples have in common?

Factors create multiples, multiples break down into factors.

What is the relationship between all factors?

the relationship between mental illness and biological processes, conditioning, gender and social factors.

What are the difference between multiples of 42 and the factors of 42?

Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples. Factors of 42: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42 Multiples of 42: 42, 84, 126 and so on.