Tartrazine is the e-number E102 and it is a yellow colouring.
It can cause migraines and blurred vision to some people especially asthmatics.
many also Believe there is a link between tartrazine and hyperactivity.
E numbers are food additives. The 'E' stands for European, as this is a standard set in Europe throughout the European Union.
Mean = sum of all numbers divided by number of numbers you summed. Call numbers a, b, c, d, e, f (a+b+c+d+e+f)/6 = mean
It is {sqrt(2), sqrt(3.7), pi, and e}.
Because numbers such as pi, e and the square root of 2 are not rational.
No they are not. The numbers Pi and e are irrational and are not radicals. There are many others.
E 102 hope this helps!:P
It turned the sweets and drink a yellow colours.
It is given that name because of eulers work with e
Letter e with numbers denotes exponential figure.
What are E numbers use for.... E.g E160,E104,E122,E621. What are these numbers E160,E104,E122,E621.
E 6969
The "E" prefix stands for "Europe".
E numbers are food additives. The 'E' stands for European, as this is a standard set in Europe throughout the European Union.
In food / everywhere. Lots of E numbers occur naturally, in plants and other substances.
E123 e457 e977 ----- These E numbers are not for proteins; I don't know proteins with an E number.
what types of e numbers are there?