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Examples of fluid friction are fish swimming through water, an airplane flying through the air and a motorboat skidding over water. Although fluid friction refers to friction through water, it can also apply to air.

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Q: What are the examples of fluid friction?
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What are examples of types of friction sliding rolling and fluid?

Types of friction include static friction (sliding), kinetic friction (rolling), and fluid friction (fluid). Examples of sliding friction include pushing a heavy box across the floor, rolling friction is experienced when a ball rolls on the ground, and fluid friction occurs when swimming in water.

What are Examples of fluid friction?

Examples of fluid friction are fish swimming through water, an airplane flying through the air and a motorboat skidding over water. Although fluid friction refers to friction through water, it can also apply to air.

Definition of friction rolling friction sliding friction and fluid friction make it simple.?

Rolling Friction is caused by a rolling object such as a wheel when rolling over a surface. Sliding friction is cause by the brishing of an object along with the medium that it is sliding on. This can be visualize by sliding down a hill with a sled in the snow. Fluid friction, by fluid we are alluding to any substance that flows. Therefore air and water for both examples are fluid. When swimming or when is a bird is flying fluid friction is being acted upon them Good luck Stephane E. Fouche

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Fluid friction is the friction that occurs when an object moves through a fluid or gas.

Is rolling friction or fluid friction greater?

Fluid friction is greater.By: Adarsh kv1

When was Fluid Friction Comics created?

Fluid Friction Comics was created in 2006.

What one needs less force to move sliding friction or fluid friction?

Fluid friction.

What is fluid friction and what is an example of fluid friction?

Fluid friction occurs between layers within a fluidthat are moving relative to each other.

Lubricants do what to friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction?

the correction option is true :)

The friction that occures when an object moves through a fluid is called?

fluid friction

What are 5 types of friction?

1. Static2. Sliding3. Rolling4. Air5. Fluid

Is swimming a fricton?

Yes. In physics, the types of friction include: static friction, sliding friction, rolling friction, and fluid friction. Water has fluid friction. This is considerably less than static friction, but it's there. Fluid friction also includes other liquids and air (things that flow).