example of fluid friction are air resistance or drag
because an object moving through air actually collides with miniature particles, specially dust particles .
An airplane flying through the air, a swimmer diving into a pool etc.
Examples of fluid friction are fish swimming through water, an airplane flying through the air and a motorboat skidding over water. Although fluid friction refers to friction through water, it can also apply to air.
The function of synovial fluid is to reduce friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints during movement. Synovial fluid has an egg yolk-like consistency.
The formula for calculating the volume of fluid to the fluid container in which it is located. For example. If the container is cylindrical. Area x height = volume of liquid
hydrodynamic s is how quilkiy a object can travel in a fluid. example: a person swimming in water
An example of fluid friction is the air resistance felt by an airplane.
Fluid friction occurs between layers within a fluidthat are moving relative to each other.
it flys
A simple example of fluid friction is when you stir a spoon in a cup of honey. The honey resists the motion of the spoon, creating friction that makes it harder to stir.
Rolling Friction, Static Friction, Sliding Friction, & fluid Friction
Surfing is an example of fluid friction because the water provides resistance as the surfer moves through it, slowing down the board and creating drag. This drag force results from the interaction between the water and the board, which is an example of fluid friction in action.
When you swim, your skin and the water connect and rub, even if if it doesn't feel like it, as you glide through the water. Seeing as friction is defined as "the rubbing of the surface of one body against that of another," it is a perfect example of fluid friction.
Fluid friction is the friction that occurs when an object moves through a fluid or gas.
A plane moving through air. Air is causing friction, A boat moving through water .Water causes friction.
An example of viscous friction is the resistance experienced when moving an object through a fluid, such as air or water. This type of friction is proportional to the velocity of the object and the viscosity of the fluid it is moving through. An example could be stirring a thick liquid like honey, where the resistance increases as the speed of stirring increases.
Fluid friction is greater.By: Adarsh kv1