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Q: What are the examples of four dimensioned and multi dimensioned and high dimensioned data?
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Is multi-mono-tri- examples of number prefixes?

No, "multi," "mono," and "tri" are not number prefixes. "Multi-" means many or multiple, "mono-" means one, and "tri-" means three. The number prefixes in English include "uni-" (one), "bi-" (two), "quad-" (four), "pent-" (five), and so on.

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Telstra offer four portable broadband plans. You are allowed to move to a higher or lower utilization design every month. Telstra clients can join to a 200MB portable broadband arrangement for $29.95 multi month or a 1GB arrangement or $59.95 multi month. Telstra freedom versatile broadband plans are accessible for $89.95 multi month with 5GB of month to month information use or $129.95 multi month with 10GB of information stipend. For more information +61 872-000-111

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