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Q: What are the first 3 compisite numbers?
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What are two compisite numbers between 60 and 90?

How about 74 and 76

What are two odd numbers called when they are separated by just one compisite number in between them?

They are called twin primes. 3 & 5 are twin primes.

Is the number 76 prime or compisite?

Composite. All whole numbers ending in six are composite.

What is the diff between prime numbers and compisite numbers?

Prime numbers are numbers with the factors 1 and itself. Composite numbers have more factors than just 1 and itself.

Why is the number 28 compisite?

Because it has more than two factors. All even numbers, besides the number 2, are composite.

What are compisite numbers?

Numbers which can be divided by other numbers besides 1. Numbers with factors besides 1 and themselves. Numbers which are not prime. 91 is composite because it is 13 x 7. But 41 is not composite because it is only 41 x 1.

Are all even numbers compisite?

Yes except one : as they all can be divided by 2 but the only even prime number is 2 itself

What is 18 is it a prime or compisite?

18 is composite. Its factors are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18.

Is 27 is compisite number?

yes it is because only 1 and 27 go into it. Actually, 3*9=27

Is 198 prime or compisite?


Is 113 a prime or compisite no?


Is 125 prime or compisite?

It is composite.