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Q: What are the formulas for geometric sequences and series?
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How do you solve geometric sequence and series?

There can be no solution to geometric sequences and series: only to specific questions about them.

How are arithemetic and geometric sequences similar?

how are arithmetic and geometric sequences similar

How do you find the sum of a series of numbers?

There is no simple answer. There are simple formulae for simple sequences such as arithmetic or geometric progressions; there are less simple solutions arising from Taylor or Maclaurin series. But for the majority of sequences there are no solutions.

Arithmetic sequences are to linear functions as geometric sequences are to what?

Exponentail functions

How do arithmetic and geometric sequences compare to continuous functions?

an arithmetic sequeunce does not have the sum to infinty, and a geometric sequence has.

How do you solve this word problem about geometric sequences?

Follow this method:

What is the formula for non arithmetic and geometric sequences?

because starwars is awesome

What are some examples of geometric?

There aren't any. Geometric is an adjective and you need a noun to go with it before it is possible to consider answering the question. There are geometric sequences, geometric means, geometric theories, geometric shapes. I cannot guess what your question is about.

Can geometric sequences be division too?

yes a geometic sequence can be multiplication or division

Can difference between AP series and GP series?

Succession of numbers of which one number is designated as the first, other as the second, another as the third and so on gives rise to what is called a sequence. Sequences have wide applications. In this lesson we shall discuss particular types of sequences called arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence and also find arithmetic mean (A.M), geometric mean (G.M) between two given numbers. We will also establish the relation between A.M and G.M

What does Geometric Series represent?

A geometric series represents the partial sums of a geometric sequence. The nth term in a geometric series with first term a and common ratio r is:T(n) = a(1 - r^n)/(1 - r)

What is a series?

a sequential series of geometric shapes