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Q: What are the four forces that shape development?
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What are four ways forces can behave?

force's can change the speed, shape, size and direction of an object.

Did the wright brothers even have the four forces in the wright glider?

Yes, the Wright glider experienced the four forces of flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. These forces are necessary for any aircraft to achieve controlled flight. The Wright brothers' understanding and manipulation of these forces were crucial in their development of powered flight.

What are the four forces?

the four forces are;gravityfrictionair-resistance andpush

What are the principles and forces that shape ethical behavior?

stages of moral development, personal values and personality, family influences, peer influences, life experiences, situational factors

What are the four main forces of flight?

The four main forces of flight are lift (upward force generated by airfoil shape), weight (force of gravity pulling aircraft down), thrust (forward force provided by engines), and drag (opposing force caused by air resistance).

What are the forces that shape the earth?

The two internal forces that shape the earth are volcanoes forcing magma through the crust and changes in the crust through forces like collisions.


The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy

What is a four sided shape with sides that are parallel?

A rectangle is a shape that has four sides with two parallel lines.

What forces build new island?

the four forces

What is a shape which has four sides called?

A shape with four sides is called a quadrilateral.

Which forces can change the shape of an object?

The 4 main forces that can change the shape of an object are stretching, compressing, bending and twisting.

Which has more vertices a shape with 4sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A shape with four sides has four vertices and a shape with three sides has three vertices, so a shape with four sides has more vertices than a shape with three sides.