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Q: What are the fourth and fifth position in dancing?
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What are the fundamental position?

First, second, third, fourth and fifth.

Is fifth an ordinal number?

Yes, "fifth" is an ordinal number that indicates the position of an item in a sequence when counting. It usually comes after "fourth" and before "sixth".

What is an example of a ballet position?

position of the feet: - first - second -third -fourth -fifth (normally in french) position of the arms: (same thing) position of the body: -quazze -ecarte -ephase etc...

What are the basic arm position in ballet?

The first one you learn is bora bor then first position then second position then fifth position then third then you will learn fourth. As you progress you will learn arabesque positions.

What are the 5 positions in ballet called?

There are 5 positions for the arms and for the feet. they are called First position, second position, third position, fourth position and fifth position. each position is slightly different from the one before it.

What are the fourth and fifth prime numbers?

The fourth prime is 7 and the fifth is 11.

What is the standard form of fifth to the fourth power?

One fifth to the fourth power is 0.0016

What are fundamental dance position?

it is important that one must undergo the fundamental or basic positions of both arms and feet in dancing in order to provide better performance in all dancing activities. one has to memorize the steps, the hand and body movements, and follow the rhythm of the music.First position, which includes heels together and toes apart. Second position which includes separates heels and turned out feet. Third position is less common but is when one heel is put half way through the other foot. Fourth position is an extended third. And fifth position is when one foot completely crosses in front of the other.

Where are double bass scales played?

I think they are played in half, first and second position depending on which scale you're playing. Let the bass player answer. Scales are played in half, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and in fifth and a half positions, as well as the harmonic, depending on what scale you are doing and how many octives. If you are doing a one octave scale, it will most likely be all in first position and maybe in half position. If you are doing a two octave scale (or more), that is when you get into the higher positions, such as fourth, fifth and fifth and a half positions.

What is earths position in the solar system according to its size?

Of the eight planets in our solar system, Earths is the fifth largest or the fourth smallest.

What is three fourth of fourth fifth?


What word does not belong first second third fourth fifth?
