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Q: What are the independent and dependent variables for how much water is absorbed by dried beans?
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What are independent and dependent variables in Jenness' experiment on conformity?

In Jenness' experiment on conformity, the independent variable is the presence of others giving estimates of the number of beans in a bottle, while the dependent variable is the change in individual estimates after hearing others' estimates. The independent variable (presence of others) is manipulated to see its effect on the dependent variable (individual estimates).

What is the independent and dependent variable in a taste and smell science experiment using jelly beans?

The independent variable is the flavor of the jellybean that you give your subject can be whatever flavor you choose.The dependant variables are the taste and smell that he reports ... they depend onwhat flavor you give him. And they also probably depend on some of the characteristicsof his taster and his smeller.

Which food digests fast sugar or beans?

Sugar digests faster than beans. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is quickly broken down into glucose for energy, while beans are complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest due to their higher fiber content.

How long does it take to roast coffee beans?

The kind of roaster being used, the desired level of roasting, and the number of beans being roasted are some of the variables that might affect how long it takes to roast coffee beans. However, roasting coffee beans normally takes between 10 and 20 minutes.

How much water do dried green beans absorb?

t he amount of water absorbed by raisins depends upon temperature of water .The more the temperature of water the more is the water absorbed.water is absorbed the most in lukewarm water.

If your freshly picked green beans have a light color to are they still good?

The color of the bean pods may be dependent upon the bean variety and the growing conditions. Unless you have a reason to think otherwise, the beans are likely still good to eat.

What is the toltecs agriculture?

The Toltecs were dependent on their agriculture for survival. Their main crops were beans, squash, maize (corn), and fruit from their cacti plants.

Is beans a rabi or kharif crop?

Rabi crops are grown in the winter season between October and March, and are not dependent upon monsoon. For Example:Wheat and Legumes like clover, pea, gram, mustard and linseed. These crops are grown in soil or water.

Is green or yellow light suitable for growing green beans?

Neither. Yellow and green light is usually reflected by plants. Your best options are orange and blue light, which are absorbed the most.

What beans grow fast in light?

i say lima beans, then butter beans. lima beans, Castro beans, and green beans

Can a bean grow with different color light?

Yes, beans can grow under different colored lights, but the type of light can affect the growth and development of the plant. Plants typically respond best to blue and red light wavelengths for photosynthesis and growth, while green light is less effective. It's important to provide the right balance of light colors for optimal bean growth.

How do plants get nitrogen from the soil?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules on plant roots (legume plants; beans, peas, alfalfa) convert nitrogen in the air (ammonia) to nitrites then nitrates which is then absorbed by plants through their roots.