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Q: What are the interior angles of a 18 sided shape?
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Interior angle of 18 sided shape?

The interior angles of an 18 sided polygon add up to 2880 degrees

What polygon has 6660 interior angles?

A 39 sided polygon

What is the interior and exterior angles on a 20 sided shape?

Interior angles total 40 - 4 right angles, ie 36 x 90o, so each interior angle is 18 x 9 ie 162o and the exterior is 180 - 162 = 18o

What do the angles add up to in a 20 sided shape?

The interior angles add up to (20-2)*180 = 18*180 = 3240 degrees.The interior angles add up to (20-2)*180 = 18*180 = 3240 degrees.The interior angles add up to (20-2)*180 = 18*180 = 3240 degrees.The interior angles add up to (20-2)*180 = 18*180 = 3240 degrees.

Interior angle of and 18 sided shape?

To work out the interior angle use this formula(n - 2)*180/nwhere n is the number of sidesso for an 18 sided shape it would be(18-2)*180/18 = 160.

Interior angle for 20 sided shape?

Exterior angle = 360/20=18 interior angle = 180 - 18 = 162 Must be regular shape

What is the sum of the measures in degrees of the interior angles of an 18-sided polygon?

(18-2)*180 = 2880 degrees

What is the sum of the measures in degrees of the interior angles of an 18 sided polygon?

(18-2)*180 = 2880 degrees

What is the name of a 18 sided shape?

A polygon refers to a plane figure that has at least three straight sides and angles. An 18 sided shape is called an octadecagon or octakaidecagon.

What is the sum of the measures in degrees of the interior angles of an 18 sided figure?

The sum of the interior angles of an n-gon is given by the formula (n-2)(180) where n is the number of sides of the polygon. Thus, the sum of the interior angles of an 18-gon is (18-2)(180) = 2880.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with 18 sides?

For any N-sided polygon: Sum of the interior angles can be found by (N-2)*180°. Note that a 3 sided polygon (triangle) is the least number of sides possible. So for 18 sides: (18-2)*180° = 2880°

What is the sum of the measures in degrees of the interior angles of a 20 sided poylgon?

The sum of the interior angles in a n-sided polygon is (n-2) x 180o. For a 20 sided polygon: sum_interior_angles = (20 - 2) x 180o = 18 x 180o = 3240o.