The two types of axes are x-axis and y-axis. X-axis is called value axis for bar charts or category axis for column and line chart while Y-axis is called category axis for bar charts or column axis for column and line chart.
Axes, title, Key (if needed, also called a legend), Axis labels
units of measurments and labels
The labels will depend on what variables are plotted along them. The default labels, in analytical geometry are (x, y, z) whereas in vector analysis, they are often (i, j, k).
First, a coordinate. A coordinate is a number. It labels a point on a line.Second, a coordinate axis is a line with label a point in a plane (a flat surface), we need more than one coordinate axis, and we place a second at right angles to the first.Those axes are called rectangular coordinate axes, because they are at right angles to one another. The coordinates on them are called rectangular coordinates. They are also called Cartesian coordinates.
It is called the origin.
The cartesian plane of space, the x and y axes, the points and lines, and the labels of the axes are the four main components of a graph. Intercepts are another name for vertical and horizontal lines that cross the axes.
Axes, title, Key (if needed, also called a legend), Axis labels
I was confusing Axis Titles with Axes. The solution is to turn off Data Labels and turn on Vertical Axes.
There are different kinds. The main ones are titles. You can have a main chart title and in some charts titles on the x and y axes. There can also be secondary titles on the axes. You can also have the series name and category name as data labels on a chart. You also have legends to identify elements of the chart.
units of measurments and labels
The axes' names are more often called Labels or Titles. You could call them Legends but a legend is any explanatory note such as the name of each trace on a multi-trace graph.
The labels will depend on what variables are plotted along them. The default labels, in analytical geometry are (x, y, z) whereas in vector analysis, they are often (i, j, k).
First, a coordinate. A coordinate is a number. It labels a point on a line.Second, a coordinate axis is a line with label a point in a plane (a flat surface), we need more than one coordinate axis, and we place a second at right angles to the first.Those axes are called rectangular coordinate axes, because they are at right angles to one another. The coordinates on them are called rectangular coordinates. They are also called Cartesian coordinates.
It is called the origin.
The standard measure for a physical quantity is called a unit. Units are typically included in the labels of the X and Y axes on a line graph to provide clarity and context to the data being presented. For example, common units include meters for distance, seconds for time, and kilograms for weight.