The labels will depend on what variables are plotted along them. The default labels, in analytical geometry are (x, y, z) whereas in vector analysis, they are often (i, j, k).
Hey, With 2 axes its x and y with 3 its x,y and z Toby
units of measurments and labels
At least three items -- the title or caption, the labels for the horizontal and vertical axes, and scales for these axes (clearly mark where the origin is). You should add legends if more than one curve exists in the graph. A text box alerting the reader what to look for will be a plus. See the related link for an example. ====================================
Unit of Measure
Axes, title, Key (if needed, also called a legend), Axis labels
x z y
x y and z
Hey, With 2 axes its x and y with 3 its x,y and z Toby
I was confusing Axis Titles with Axes. The solution is to turn off Data Labels and turn on Vertical Axes.
units of measurments and labels
At least three items -- the title or caption, the labels for the horizontal and vertical axes, and scales for these axes (clearly mark where the origin is). You should add legends if more than one curve exists in the graph. A text box alerting the reader what to look for will be a plus. See the related link for an example. ====================================
Well the three axes for an airplane are known as the vertical axes (which governs the yaw of the plane), the Longitudinal axes (govenrs the roll of the plane), at the lateral axes (govenrs the pitch)
x, y and z axes.
The cartesian plane of space, the x and y axes, the points and lines, and the labels of the axes are the four main components of a graph. Intercepts are another name for vertical and horizontal lines that cross the axes.
A triclinic crystal system has three unequal crystallographic axes that intersect at oblique angles.
Title Axes Data Labels Series Names