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Q: What are the limitations of polygon method?
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One of the main advantages of using the polygon method is speed. The main disadvantage to this method is the fact that it cannot adequately represent curved items.

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cause i hate you! ask your teacher not me,

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The disadvantages of the polygon method include a lack of accuracy as well as detail. Advantages include its ease of use. The component method is much more exact, but is tougher to achieve.

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To calculate rainfall using the Thiessen polygon method, you first need to divide the area into polygons based on rain gauge locations. Then, calculate the area of influence of each rain gauge within its polygon. Finally, you can determine the weight of each rain gauge based on its influence area, which is used to calculate the average rainfall for the entire region.

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Limitations of Regular falsi method: Investigate the result of applying the Regula Falsi method over an interval where there is a discontinuity. Apply the Regula Falsi method for a function using an interval where there are distinct roots. Apply the Regula Falsi method over a "large" interval.

How do you overcome limitations of stacks in polygon filling?

You overcome limitations of the stack in polygon filling, or in any other algorithm, far that matter, but using an iterative technique, rather than a recursive technique. Recursion is quite useful, and can simplify algorithm design. Polygon filling, however, is a class of algorithm can potentially have a very deep recursion depth. This causes stress on the stack, hence the need for iteration.