

What polygon method?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What polygon method?
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Related questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the polygon method?

One of the main advantages of using the polygon method is speed. The main disadvantage to this method is the fact that it cannot adequately represent curved items.

What is a description of the parallelogram method and polygon method?

cause i hate you! ask your teacher not me,

What are the disadvantages and advantages of using the polygon method and the component method?

The disadvantages of the polygon method include a lack of accuracy as well as detail. Advantages include its ease of use. The component method is much more exact, but is tougher to achieve.

How do you calculate rainfall using the thiessen polygon method?

To calculate rainfall using the Thiessen polygon method, you first need to divide the area into polygons based on rain gauge locations. Then, calculate the area of influence of each rain gauge within its polygon. Finally, you can determine the weight of each rain gauge based on its influence area, which is used to calculate the average rainfall for the entire region.

Why is the polygon method reasonable graphical technique?

The polygon method is most suitable graphical technique for analyzing concurrent forces because it allows for the graphical addition of multiple vectors without the need any complex calculations. This method is particularly useful when dealing with systems of forces acting at a single point or in a plane. By using the polygon method, can visually determine the resultant of multiple forces, which simplifies the analysis and helps in understanding the overall effect of the forces on a system

What is the sum of the interior angle measures of a 25 - sided polygon?

The method of finding the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is by multiplying the (number of sides)-2 by 180, so the sum of the interior angle measures in a 25-sided polygon would be 23*180, or 4140 degrees.

What is the size of each interior angle of a regular polygon with 30 sides?

Method 1: EXterior angle of any n-sided polygon = 360/n, in this case 12 so INterior angle is 180 - 12 ie 168o Method 2: Interior angle of any n-sided polygon = ((2n - 4 ) x 90)/n which is (56 x 90)/30 ie 168o.

What is the measure of one angle regular polygon with 9 sides?

Method 1: Interior angles of regular n-sided polygon are ((2n - 4) x 90)/n degrees When n = 9 this works out at 140 degrees. Method 2: Exterior angles of regular n-sided polygon are 360/n degrees in this case 40 degrees, making interior angles 180 - 40 ie 140 degrees.

What is a polygon with equal sides and angles is a what polygon?

it seems to me that the only polygon of your description is a square

Types of polygons?

A type of polygon is a rhombusial polygon, trysectalnict polygon, and a equilateral polygon.

Is a traingle a regular polygon or a polygon?

A triangle (not traingle) is a polygon. It can be a regular polygon but need not be.

Is and arrow a polygon?

an arrow is or isn't a polygon?