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Q: What are the lines on a wood block called?
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What are the disadvantages of block printing?

1. linoleum is not so suitable for fine lines as it is wood 2. Block printing by hand is a slow process

What is the name given to a block of wood that a hammer rests on?

A block of wood that a hammer rests on is typically called a hammer block or a hammer rest. It is used to support the hammer in a stable position when not in use.

What block of wood does the hammer rests on?

The hammer rests on a wooden block called a "buck." It is typically made of hard wood like oak or hickory to provide a solid surface for hammering.

What is block wood?

it is a wood

A block of wood is floating in water The weight of the part of the block above water is one-third of the block What is the weight of the water displace by the block of wood?

The weight of water displaced by the floating block of wood is exactly equal to the weight of the ENTIRE block of wood, regardless of how much of the wood is above the water level.

What tool would I need to use to measure the density of a block of wood?

You would need a tool called a density meter or a hydrometer to measure the density of a block of wood. This device works by comparing the weight of the wood sample to the volume of water displaced by the wood when submerged. The density of the wood can then be calculated based on these measurements.

Does a block of wood fall faster than a paperclip?

No because a paperclip weighs lees than a block of wood. A Block of wood falls SLOWER than a Paperclip.

How many centimeters are in the length of block of wood?

If you could show me the block of wood, then I could measure it and answer your question. For that matter, if you have the block of wood, you could measure it and answer your own question.

Which will float on the water 1 kg block of wood or 1 g block of aluminum?


What is theweight of a block of wood iin pounds?

A block of wood can be of different sizes; this will affect the mass, and weight, a lot. To a lesser degree, the weight of a block of wood will also depend on the density, since different types of wood have different densities.

What is the use of block of wood?


Does earths gravity pull more strongly on a block of wood or on a block of iron having the same size?

Earth's gravity pulls equally on both a block of wood and a block of iron of the same size. Gravity depends on the mass of the objects, not their material composition. The weight experienced by each block will be based on their mass, with the iron block likely to be heavier due to its higher density.