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Q: What are the main branches of mathematics and there definitions?
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What is the branches of mathematics?

the main branches of mathematics are algebra, number theory, geometry and arithmetic.

How many branches of mathematics are there?

arithmeticgeometrytrigonometrymensurationalgebracalculusthere are 6 branches of mathematics

What are the sub branches of mathematics?

I dont know... but i have a question....what is the branches of mathematics? by maricar pauline v. mesa

What are the branches of pure science?

The branches of pure science include disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and mathematics. These branches focus on understanding fundamental principles of nature and the universe through observation, experimentation, and theoretical reasoning.

What is research in Mathematics?

The research of Mathematics is the study of Mathematics with the goal of expanding the usefulness and completeness of the subject. Mathematics has many, many branches which focus on different topics, such as the study of surfaces (Topology) and shapes (Geometry). Many applied sciences such as Statistics and Computer Science are branches of Mathematics. Modern advanced Physics relies heavily on different branches of Mathematics.

What is algebra and topoogy?

They are two branches of mathematics.

What does Algebraic mean?

Algebra is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of structures, relation and quantity. Together with geometry, analysis, combinatorics and number theory, Algebra is one of the main branches of mathematics.

What branches of mathematics help time scientists?

Physics, particularly quantum physics (which is essentially mathematics).

Which 3 branches of mathematics studies originated in India?


What is the difference of arithmetic and geometric?

They refer to different branches of mathematics.

What is the relationship between algebra and probability?

They are both branches of mathematics.

What are the branches of physics and its definitions?

Electrical engeerning,mechanical engeerning, construction engeerning.