

What are the main reference lines?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What are the main reference lines?
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What are the different reference lines used in locating places on earth?

The two main reference lines used in locating places on Earth are the Equator, which divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the Prime Meridian, which divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Additionally, lines of latitude (parallels) and longitude (meridians) help pinpoint specific locations on the Earth's surface.

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To find out exact location of the certain place in the earth, it needs some lines of reference i.e. latitudes & longitudes.

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If the contour interval is not given, find two reference (labeled) contour lines and find the number of lines between them, excluding the reference lines themselves. Then the interval can be found using the following formula: |(Difference between elevation of reference lines)| /(Number of contour lines between reference lines +1) = Contour interval For example, if you find two reference lines labeled 150m and 250m and there is one contour line between them, then |150m-250m|/(1+1)=100m/2=50m The contour interval of that map is 50 meters.

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What two lines are baselines for measurement on earth surface?

The Equator is the zero reference for latitude.The Prime Meridian is the zero reference for longitude.

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A main angle of refrence.

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Why are reference lines important?

they tell you where the equator, prim meridian and etc are located

What is the interval of the grid lines in the Military grid reference system?

1,000 meters