

Best Answer

The major world visited cities are:

  • New York City,
  • Melbourne,
  • Vienna,
  • Toronto,
  • Los Angeles,
  • Singapore,
  • Geneva,
  • Sao Paulo,
  • Buenos Aires,
  • Cairo
  • Vancouver,
  • Paris,
  • London,
  • Sydney,
  • London,
  • Johannesburg,
  • Helsinki,
  • Zurich,
  • Oslo,
  • Chicago,
  • Copenhagen,
  • Tokyo,
  • Seoul,
  • Beijing,
  • Rome,
  • Athene,
  • Istanbul, and
  • Madrid
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Q: What are the major cities of the world?
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it depends what you classify as a big city. ^ There are 3158 major cities in the world. A city is considered major when it has over 100,000 inhabitants. You can see a full list of major cities at this link:

How many big cities are there in the world?

it depends what you classify as a big city. ^ There are 3158 major cities in the world. A city is considered major when it has over 100,000 inhabitants. You can see a full list of major cities at this link:

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The three major world cities are New York City, London, and Tokyo. These cities are major hubs for finance, culture, and commerce, playing key roles in global affairs and economies.

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Major cities are large urban or metropolitan areas in a state, country, or region. Major cities of the world include Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Paris, and New York City.

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