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Wire mesh (chicken wire) at least 48 inches wide and 30 feet long.. Metal posts at least 12 inches longer than the width of the wire, to fix the corners. This will create an area 9 feet by 6 feet - which will give the rabbit plenty of space to run around.

Dig a narrow trench in a rectangle 9 feet by 6 feet. Bury the chicken wire at least 6 inches deep in the trench (the posts at least 6 inches deeper to provide secure anchorage). Tie the chicken wire to the posts for stability - use cores of electrical wire so the rabbit won't chew through them.

Make sure there are no sharp edges the rabbit could injure itself on.

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Q: What are the materials needed for roaming area for rabbit?
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I would recomend at least 1 year to 2. Rabbits sometimes get into bad habbits and chew the cage. My rabbit does that and it can get very annoying. If your rabbit chews the cage then smear the sides with non-toxic rabbit deterant. My rabbit doesn't chew the cage but iisn't scared to be in there because it's only on the parts he chews! Kool Kat5555