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Q: What are the maximum and minimum temperatures of the tropical dry areas?
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What can you find out from a thermograph?

The different temperatures from different areas.

What two lines help determines where the tropical areas on earth are located?

The tropic of cancer and The tropic of Capricorn. Cancer is further north and Capricorn is further south :)

Why do you differentiate and integrate?

For various reasons. Read an introductory calculus book; they are usually full of examples that have practical applications. One common use of differentiation (derivation) is to find the maximum or minimum of some function. A maximum or minimum can occur (a) at the endpoints of the interval under consideration, (b) at a point where the derivative is zero, (c) at a point where the derivative is not defined. This, obviously, requires differentiation. Integration can be used to find areas and volumes, or, more generally, the area under a curve that might not necessarily represent an area in the geometric sense. For example, work = force x distance - but what happens if the force changes while you move? This "variable product" is equivalent to finding an area under a curve.

How do you get dysentery?

Dysentery is caused by contaminated food and drink. It is most common in tropical areas. Side effects include bloody stool and vomiting. This illness can be fatal if it is not treated promptly.

How do you calculate the maximum number of bathers for a public pool?

To calculate the maximum number of bathers for a public pool you should determine how many square feet should be available per bather. This requirement can vary by state. However, for a shallow area you should figure at least 15 square feet per bather. For deep areas you should allow 20 square feet per bather. Areas with diving boards will need even more space for each bather.

Related questions

What is the temperature in the average savanna year round?

The average temperature in a savanna biome varies throughout the year, typically ranging from 68-86°F (20-30°C). Savannas experience distinct wet and dry seasons, with temperatures often higher during the dry season and lower during the wet season.

Why isn't the entire world tropical?

Temperature zones on Earth differ. The only mass tropical areas are those close to the Equator. As you may notice the poles are the furthest from the Equator on Earth's surface, they have the coldest temperatures. Climates and areas don't have the resources needed to support tropical lands worldwide.

What are hot luxuriant zones called?

Hot luxuriant zones are typically referred to as tropical zones or tropical regions. These areas are characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and rich biodiversity.

Tropical rainforest form in what climate?

Tropical rainforests typically form in regions with warm temperatures and high humidity, where there is abundant rainfall throughout the year. These areas are typically found near the equator where the climate is consistently warm and wet.

What is the location of the tropical climates?

Tropical areas

Which areas can contain bauxite mineral?

Areas with heavily leached soils, usually in tropical or previously tropical areas.

What is tropical weather?

Tropical weather refers to the climate found in regions close to the equator, characterized by high temperatures, high humidity, and abundant rainfall. These areas typically experience warm weather year-round and are prone to the formation of tropical storms and hurricanes.

What is the name of the soil type that is from a location that experiences high temperatures and high precipitation?

The soil type that forms in areas with high temperatures and high precipitation is typically called "tropical rainforest soil." These soils are often nutrient-rich due to the rapid decomposition of organic matter in the warm and humid conditions.

Tropical zones have stable year-round temperaturs because of their?

Tropical zones have stable year-round temperatures because they are located near the equator, where the sun's rays are most direct throughout the year. This results in consistent heating of the Earth's surface, leading to minimal temperature variation.

What sporozite protist causes malaria in tropical areas What sporozite protist causes malaria in tropical areas?

Plasmodium, which is transmitted by mosquitoes, causes malaria in tropical areas.

Does heat move from areas of high temperatures to areas of low temperatures?

Yes, heat moves from areas of high temperature to areas of low temperature in a process known as heat transfer. This is a fundamental principle in thermodynamics that drives the flow of energy in the form of heat.

What is tropical line?

The tropical line is an imaginary line that runs parallel to the equator and marks the limits of the tropical climate zone. It is located approximately 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator. Areas within the tropical line typically experience warm temperatures year-round and distinct wet and dry seasons.