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The different temperatures from different areas.

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Q: What can you find out from a thermograph?
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What does thermograph?

hi thermograph means hi

How would you use the word thermograph in a sentence?

The thermograph recorded the fluctuations in temperature throughout the day.

Who invented thermograph?

basim evzouki invented the thermograph

What does thermograph mean?

A thermograph is a device that measures and records changes in temperature over time. It is commonly used in weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, and medical diagnostics to track temperature variations.

What is a thermo gram?

a record made by a thermograph...=]

How can you use the word thermograph in a sentence?

A thermograph is a medical devise used to make images of temperature variations of the human body or a thermometer that also records the temperature reading. Example Sentence: The thermograph recorded temperatures overnight indicating that we should wait a few more days to plant.

What is the meaning of thermogram?

The trace or record made by means of a thermograph.

What special thermometer measures the temperature constantly?

Please answer this question!

A thermometer that measures temperature and records it on a piece of chart paper is?

a thermograph

Who invented the thermistor?

basim evzouki invented the thermograph

What is the difference between a thermometer and a thermograph?

A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature at a specific point in time, typically by using a liquid or digital display. A thermograph, on the other hand, is a device that continuously records and graphs temperature over a period of time, providing a visual representation of temperature fluctuations.

What is a self recording instrument which maintains a continuous record of air temperature on a graph paper?

a thermograph