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Q: What are the modern channel of distribution?
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What are the role of distribution channel in marketing?

The distribution channel in marketing is essential to link the product to the consumer. The way in which a product is promoted, stored and distributed all contributes to it's distribution channel.

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Distribution channel of Pepsi?

Pepsi has many distribution channels, including retail stores. Another distribution channel is at sporting events and the bottling centers across the world.

What is ditribution channel?

Distribution channel is the route taken by suppliers to their retailer.

Types of distribution channels in rural marketing?

various type of distribution channel

What does distribution channel network means?

A distribution channel network is a network of companies with the responsibility of of moving product(s) from the manufacturer to the customer/consumer.

What is the Zero Level Distribution Channel?

There can be a number of different levels to each distribution channel. There is the zero level channel, which involves distribution with no intermediaries whatsoever. For smaller markets, using a zero or one level scheme can be quite practical and effective. By Tauqueer :)

What are the Roles of retailers and wholesalers in distribution channel?

The role of the wholesaler in the distribution channel is to deliver the merchandise to the retailer. The role of the retailer is to deliver the product to the consumer.