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Q: What are the most basic possible results of observations or experiments?
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What are the four basic steps Of scientific inquiry?

1. Observation and description 2. Formulation of a hypothesis 3. Use of the hypothesis to predict results of new observations. 4. Peer Review of hypothesis and results

What year did Mendel discover genes?

Gregor Mendel discovered the basic principles of inheritance through his experiments with pea plants in the 1860s. His work laid the foundation for our understanding of genes and genetics today.

Basic assumption in analysis of variance?

1- observations are from normally distributed populations. 2- observations are from populations with equal variances.

What are the basic principles of scientific approach?

Science proceeds via experiments, and the basic principal of the experiment is that the results of any experiment must be able to be reproduced in any laboratory, any where in the World, at any time (under constant conditions known as STP - standard temperature and pressure).

How do scientists experiment that this is scientific truth?

all scientists hav different attitudes,mind and behaviour they do researches like their personality bt they all follow the basic principles and scientifc steps thts made standard for all..................... some basic steps includes................. 1 observations 2 hypotthsis 3 experiments 4 theory 5 law

What researchers conduct experiments in Antarctica?

Antarctica is not the place for experiments, Antarctica is the place for basic research. Research there studies the health of planet Earth.

Why is the cell theory accepted today?

The cell theory is accepted today because it has been supported by numerous observations and experiments. It provides a framework for understanding the basic unit of life and how organisms are structured and function. Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed scientists to further investigate and confirm the principles of the cell theory.

Should scientists repeat experiments to see if their data is reproducible?

Scientists make more mistakes than not. It is part of the business and why they call their work "experiments". As a working scientists you try to keep your basics constant. You control the pH of your solutions, the don't switch suppliers for even basic salts mid-experiment. Most importantly you repeat experiments several times and use statistical analysis to support your conclusions. The goal of scientist is to have his/her results confirmed by repetition by others. If it isn't reproducible than it isn't believable. But wrong conclusions.... Record your mistake in the results and talk about it in the conclusion/examination of data.

The bacis pattern that people follow to solve problems and gain new knowledge is called?

The basic pattern that people follow to solve problems and gain new knowledge is called the scientific method. This method involves making observations, forming a hypothesis, conducting experiments to test the hypothesis, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions. It is a systematic approach used in scientific inquiry.

Seeing touching smelling and tasting are all parts of what basic scientific process?

Making observations

How come when you search in Google it brings up the results page immediately?

That is what engines are in the business to do! Basic to any search engine is serving as quickly as possible, information by search query.

Are Drosophila flies used for experiments?

They were used by Gregor Mendel to discover the basic laws of genetics.