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If it is too high for the world to sustain then starvation, war and death

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Q: What are the negative effects of population growth?
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What are some negative effects of the world population growth?

There are many possible effects of world population growth. Pollution, starvation, ill health, national unrest, war.

How do the effects of zero population growth and negative population growth differ how are they similar?

well when you think about it you can stop cheating and look at a book for once....

What are some possible negative effects of world population growth?

There are many possible effects of world population growth. Pollution, starvation, ill health, national unrest, war.

When was Negative Population Growth created?

Negative Population Growth was created in 1972.

What are some possible negative and positive effects of world population growth?

Some negative effects are Pollution,War,Sickness, and Starvation A positive effect is more labor force!

What are some possible negative effects of the world population growth?

Some possible negative effects of world population growth include increased strain on natural resources, higher levels of pollution and environmental degradation, increased competition for land and water, and challenges in providing essential services such as healthcare and education to all individuals.

What are the effects of population growth rate in Ghana?

its population will increase

Effects of population growth in the Philippines?

Some of the effects of the population growth in the Philippines includes a rise in unemployment, a rise in the poverty levels, and rise in crime. Corruption is the Philippines can also be attributed to the population growth.

What statement describes negative population growth?

More people die than are born during a given period is a statement that describes negative population growth. The statement describes negative population in Western Europe.

Is Eastern Europe population growth negative?


What are the effects of population growth?

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Why do negative population growth cause problems for countries?

This is a somewhat vague question as there are possibly many ways negative population growth can affect the people, if considered in a closed system such as a continent, race, or globally negative population growth will ultimately lead to no people :D If i don't stretch your question i'll assume by "the people" you mean the people in the population. I make this distinction because there are many populations of people apart from each other, for example the population of one city compared to the population of another. A state population, country population, continent, or global population. Perhaps even a race population. But with my prior assumption that "the people" refers to the people in a specific population, i would think that a negative population growth rate would effect it's people in a number of ways, ranging from efforts made to identify the cause of negative population growth to efforts in attending to these causes as to prevent the population from reaching too few in number to sustain itself. I realize this answer is vague, but i think your question needs some reworking if you are looking for a specific answer. Negative population growth in a region that is considered "overpopulated" might positively effect the people, and vice versa in the case where a population is already dwindling to a number that would be considered threatening to the continued existence of a population. If we look at the global population, throughout our history there are examples and obstacles that have lead to the growth of population, and cities and countries are somewhat measured in greatness by their population so in those terms a growing population would be considered healthy or prosperous whereas a negative population growth would be indicative of a country or society that is doing poorly. I think its important to emphasize the population growth rate is a measure of population growth divided by a time period. This is different from an overall population. That being said the effects of a negative population growth rate are somewhat dependent on the overall population at a specific time.