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Even though our overt use of the internet can cause a conflict between your virtual self and your social self

the Internet has become an unbreakable addiction for individuals and society.

We believe that the Internet experience is the same as real life experience, but it's not. Although the Internet has many benefits, it also separates us from others while causing many unruly behaviors in the process.

First, many students are becoming addicted to the Internet. They spend more and more time on playing computer games or just Surfing the net without any particular reasons. Accordingly, the time they spend on studying is automatically reduce, which in turns causes the lower academic achievement. Moreover, some of them go to the extreme, becoming serious internet addicts, and they even refuse to go to school as they cannot escape from the trap of internet.

internet hinders students from doing their homework or assigned task by their own. Thanks to internet, students can obtain the information they need with a great ease by simply clicking the button. However, this great accessibility to any kind of information can be abused. For instance, when students are given an assignment, what many of them do is just go on the websites or the blogs where the seemingly needed information is posted, and drag, copy and paste it without looking the material thoroughly later. Some students even just download the material which someone else has already done and submit it as if it were their work.

t is clear that internet has serious detrimental effects on students. For one thing, students are so vulnerable to becoming addicted to internet. Additionally, they do their homework not with their own efforts but with the entire dependence on internet resources. Thus, young students should use internet with great cautions to prevent any harmful effects.

Many people are now using the internet as a way of shopping and as such this has lead to lack of contact with other people and a closure of many local and high street shops. This in turn has had a terrible economic and social effect on many communities.

We need to be aware of the pitfalls of using the internet too much and it's implications for economic and social life.

People who use the internet and work from home can become very isloated and loose contact with other people they would meet in a normal working environment.

The internet can be used by unscrupulous people to spread cruel and immoral images and information and it's difficult to act against them at present.

Health risks increased as the overuse of computers.

It can directly affect our life, our behavior and our thinking in a very negative way

It is so excited to be online and for this reason; some people cannot control their usage and lost the balance

It is as though when online people forget who they are in real life, and become who they would like to be or can't otherwise be, unfortunately this often also comes with a lack of politeness, respect and caring for their fellow man. They say that war brings out the best and the worst of man, well unfortunately it appears that this saying also applies to the World Wide Web, and all of its offerings.

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