18 34 66
If 18 091 997 is a series of three separate numbers the roman numerals for them would be 18 = XVIII, 091 = XCI and 997 = CMXCVII.
30, 42, 38
-3 0 3 then 6 9 12 15 18 21 and so on ...
18, 27, 45
The pattern is add three and then multiply by three. The next number is 174.
18 34 66
A single number, such as 18233039, cannot define a series.
Well, judging by the sequence of numbers, the pattern would be to subtract one more than the last time from each new number. Meaning 33-1=32 then 32-2=30 then 30-3=27. The next three numbers would be 27-4=23 and 23-5=18 and finally 18-6=12. So 23 18 and 12 would be the next three numbers in sequence.
If 18 091 997 is a series of three separate numbers the roman numerals for them would be 18 = XVIII, 091 = XCI and 997 = CMXCVII.
30, 42, 38
-3 0 3 then 6 9 12 15 18 21 and so on ...
Based on the sample you have provided, I see that 4 numbers, counting by 2 from 12 to 18, form a repeating sequence. I would expect that the next 4 numbers in this series would again be 12, 14 16, and 18.
162 and 486 the pattern is that the next number is three times the previous number.
Well, darling, it looks like we're playing the guessing game. The next number is 15. How did I figure that out, you ask? Well, I just added the differences between each number and found the pattern. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.