Decimals are used to show parts of a dollar (also known as cents)
That would be Leibniz.
Number notation is a type of writing system that is used in math. The notations can be numbers or symbols and they have a semantic meaning.
1.79 × 102g
notations used to define the efficiency of An algorithm
Microsoft Visio
A rectangle represents any process, function, or action and is the most frequently used symbol in flowcharting
Prime notation is used to identify an image point.
You do not divide or multiply notations: you perform those operations on numbers which are expressed in different notations. How you do that depends on which notation you are concerned with.
draw a flowchart of pascal triangle using for loops
Janet Debman has written: 'Flowcharting for auditors'
Decimals are used to show parts of a dollar (also known as cents)
That would be Leibniz.
A notation is a note of something. So it would be safe to assume that legal notations are only legal notes.
Number notation is a type of writing system that is used in math. The notations can be numbers or symbols and they have a semantic meaning.