If one of the numbers is prime and doesn't go into the other number Or the numbers have no common factors.
Any fraction can go into any other fraction. The concept of "going into" for a limited set of numbers is useful only for integers.
first go the distnace of the whole number. then simply go the distance of the fraction.
it can't be expressed as a fraction. the numbers after the decimal go on and on without end. No fraction can be divided to equal pi, therefore, it's irrational.
357 / 1,000 probably the fraction cannot be reduced as the numbers such as 3 and 119 that go into 357 do not also go into 1,000
If one of the numbers is prime and doesn't go into the other number Or the numbers have no common factors.
Yes, that is correct
Any fraction can go into any other fraction. The concept of "going into" for a limited set of numbers is useful only for integers.
Any and every fraction. The concept of "go into" makes sense only in the context of whole numbers (integers). Once you start considering fractions (or decimals), they all go into one another with another fraction as the quotient.
first go the distnace of the whole number. then simply go the distance of the fraction.
I don't think that there is a simpler fraction for this. 5 and 7 are odd numbers and do not go into each other.
Numbers like these ( pi, phi, imaginary number i ), are called IRRATIONAL NUMBERS.
it can't be expressed as a fraction. the numbers after the decimal go on and on without end. No fraction can be divided to equal pi, therefore, it's irrational.
put the improper fraction in your calculator. find the decimal representation. then you have to go in between numbers on the number line to write your answer. like ifyou have 8 over 5. This is 1.6 Go in between the numbers 1 and 2 and go around 60% between the 1 and 2.
51 3,17